User information

Using this method, you can obtain the publisher’s private information.

Information about the publisher


HTTP method Access rights URL Note
GET Returns information about the publisher*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.

  • ** Returns the additional email parameter.

  • *** Returns the additional phone parameter.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET


Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"username": "user",
"first_name": "name",
"last_name": "surname",
"id": 96,
"language": "ru"
"default_currency": "RUB",
"phone": "+375xxxxxxxxxx",
"email": ""
"country": "RU"


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
id Publisher ID
username Publisher username
first_name Publisher’s name
last_name Publisher’s last name
language Publisher’s language
default_currency Publisher’s currency
country Publisher’s country
phone Publisher’s phone (for the private_data_phone access rights)
email Publisher’s email (for the private_data_email access rights)


Information about the publisher balance


HTTP method Access rights URL Note
  • Returns information about publisher's balance*.
  • Returns extended information about publisher's balance*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET


Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"currency": "USD",
"balance": "20000.00"
"currency": "EUR",
"balance": "0.00"
"currency": "RUB",
"balance": "0.00"


Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET


Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"currency": "USD",
"balance": "100.00",
"processing": "0.00",
"today": "0.00",
"stalled": "0.00"
"currency": "EUR",
"balance": "120943.00",
"processing": "233123.00",
"today": "0.00",
"stalled": "157.00"
"currency": "RUB",
"balance": "2023.00",
"processing": "1476345.02",
"today": "932.00",
"stalled": "10.00"


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
currency Currency code
balance Balance amount
processing On hold
today Earned today
stalled Delayed


Payment data information


HTTP method Access rights URL Note
  • Returns information about publisher's payment data*.
  • Returns payment data that may be used for withdrawing funds from the balance in a certain currency.
Currency is the balance currency ID (System currencies), that you wish to display available methods of withdrawal for.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

 curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET


Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"id": 23,
"name": "My settings #23",
"city": "New York",
"country": "US",
"currency": [
"paypal_account": "",
"address": "Lenina street, b. 12",
"withdrawal_type": "paypal",
"zip_code": "23412"


Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET


Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"city": "New York",
"name": "WMZ 123",
"country": "US",
"currency": [
"conversion_rate": "1.08",
"address": "Lenina street, b. 12",
"webmoney_account": "Z123123123123",
"withdrawal_type": "webmoney",
"id": 3,
"zip_code": "220036"
"city": "New York",
"paypal_account": "",
"name": "ka palka",
"country": "AL",
"currency": [
], "conversion_rate": "1.00",
"address": "Lenina street, b. 12",
"withdrawal_type": "paypal",
"id": 7,
"zip_code": "124322"
"city": "New York",
"name": "WMR 234-392",
"country": "DE",
"currency": [
], "conversion_rate": "82.71",
"address": "Lenina street, b. 12",
"webmoney_account": "R234497226392",
"withdrawal_type": "webmoney",
"id": 9,
"zip_code": "124322"


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
id ID
name Name
currency Currency codes
conversion_rate Exchange rate
city City
country Country
address Address
zip_code Zip code
withdrawal_type Payment system type
paypal_account PayPal email address
webmoney_account WM wallet
bank_account_owner Bank account owner
bank_account Bank account number
bank_code Bank code
bank_name Name of bank
bank_bic BIC/SWIFT (for certain banks)
bank_iban IBAN (for certain banks)