Publisher reports

Reports by ad spaces


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET statistics
  • offset **
  • limit **
  • date_start ***
  • date_end ***
  • website ***
  • campaign ***
  • subid ***
  • total****
  • order_by *****

Statistical data on ad spaces*.

  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, ad spaces, affiliate programs, and subID, respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates should be in format '%d.%m.%Y' - '01.05.2012'.

  • ' **** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result'
  • ***** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • website_id
    • website_name
    • views
    • clicks
    • ctr
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • cr
    • leads_sum
    • sales_sum
    • payment_sum_open
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • currency.

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"leads_sum": 24,
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"ctr": 2413.5714,
"views": 7,
"website_id": "25",
"clicks": 16895,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"website_name": "site3_of_webmaster1",
"ecpm": 1513735.71,
"sales_sum": 1,
"cr": 0.0015,
"ecpc": 0.62,
"payment_sum_open": 10596.15
"_meta": {
"count": 3,
"limit": 1,
"offset": 1

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"leads_sum": 21594304,
"payment_sum": 3382089.02,
"views": 7337610,
"payment_sum_declined": 1705783.09,
"actions_sum_total": 22023257,
"payment_sum_approved": 1646173.57,
"currency": "RUB",
"sales_sum": 21694727,
"payment_sum_open": 1735915.45,
"clicks": 7064253


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
website_name Name of ad space
website_id Ad space ID
currency System currencies
leads_sum Number of leads
sales_sum Number of sales
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
views The number of impressions
clicks The number of clicks
ctr CTR
ecpc eCPC
cr Conversion rate
ecpm eCPM


Reports for affiliate programs


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • date_start***
  • date_end***
  • website***
  • campaign***
  • subid***
  • total****
  • order_by*****

Statistical data on affiliate programs*.

  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.

  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.

  • *** Filter by date, ad spaces, affiliate programs, and subID, respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates should be in format ‘%d.%m.%Y’ - ‘01.05.2012’.

  • **** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result

  • ***** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • action
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads
    • name
    • payment_sum
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales
    • views.

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"leads_sum": 4,
"advcampaign_name": "AdvCamp 3",
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"ctr": 0.0256,
"advcampaign_id": 8,
"views": 78,
"clicks": 2,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"ecpm": 7149.871794,
"sales_sum": 0,
"cr": 2.0,
"ecpc": 278.845,
"payment_sum_open": 557.69
"_meta": {
"count": 4,
"limit": 1,
"offset": 1

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"leads_sum": 21594304,
"payment_sum": 3382089.02,
"views": 7337610,
"payment_sum_declined": 1705783.09,
"actions_sum_total": 22023257,
"payment_sum_approved": 1646173.57,
"currency": "RUB",
"sales_sum": 21694727,
"payment_sum_open": 1735915.45,
"clicks": 7064253


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
advcampaign_name Name of affiliate program
advcampaign_id Affiliate program ID
currency System currencies
leads_sum Number of leads
sales_sum Number of sales
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
views The number of impressions
clicks The number of clicks
ctr CTR
ecpc eCPC
cr Conversion rate
ecpm eCPM


Daily reports


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET statistics
  • offset **
  • limit **
  • date_start ***
  • date_end ***
  • website ***
  • campaign ***
  • subid ***
  • total****
  • order_by*****

Statistical data on days*.

  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.

  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.

  • *** Filter by date, ad spaces, affiliate programs, and subID, respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates should be in format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.

  • **** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result.

  • ***** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • action
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • date
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads
    • payment_sum
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales
    • views.

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"leads_sum": 0,
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"clicks": 2,
"payment_sum_approved": -1254.81,
"currency": "RUB",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"sales_sum": 4,
"sales_sum_approved": 1,
"sales_sum_open": 1,
"sales_sum_declined": 2,
"leads_sum_approved": 1,
"leads_sum_open": 2,
"leads_sum_declined": 0,
"date": "2011-02-24",
"cr": 0.0,
"ecpc": 2509.615,
"payment_sum_open": 6274.04
"leads_sum": 12,
"ctr": 7.0,
"views": 1,
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"clicks": 7,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"ecpm": 4350000.0,
"sales_sum": 0,
"sales_sum_approved": 0,
"sales_sum_open": 0,
"sales_sum_declined": 0,
"leads_sum_approved": 0,
"leads_sum_open": 0,
"leads_sum_declined": 0,
"date": "2011-07-19",
"cr": 1.7143,
"ecpc": 621.428571,
"payment_sum_open": 4350.0
"_meta": {
"count": 58,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 1

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"leads_sum": 21594304,
"payment_sum": 3382089.02,
"views": 7337610,
"payment_sum_declined": 1705783.09,
"actions_sum_total": 22023257,
"payment_sum_approved": 1646173.57,
"currency": "RUB",
"sales_sum": 21694727,
"payment_sum_open": 1735915.45,
"clicks": 7064253


Description of API server response fields

Name Description

Report date

currency System currencies
leads_sum Number of leads
sales_sum Number of sales
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_sum_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_sum_open Number of sales on hold
sales_sum_declined Number of rejected sales
leads_sum_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_sum_open Number of leads on hold
leads_sum_declined Number of leads on hold
views The number of impressions
clicks The number of clicks
ctr CTR
ecpc eCPC
cr Conversion rate
ecpm eCPM


Reports by months


HTTP method

Access rights




GET statistics
  • offset **
  • limit **
  • date_start ***
  • date_end ***
  • website ***
  • campaign ***
  • subid ***
  • total****
  • order_by *****

Statistical data on months*.

  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, ad spaces, affiliate programs, and subID, respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates should be in format '%d.%m.%Y' - '01.05.2012'.
  • **** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result.
  • ***** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • action
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • date
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads
    • payment_sum
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales
    • views.

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"leads_sum": 0,
"ctr": 0.001,
"views": 5153,
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"clicks": 5,
"payment_sum_approved": -1254.81,
"currency": "RUB",
"ecpm": 1731.626237,
"sales_sum": 6,
"date": "2011-02",
"cr": 1.2,
"ecpc": 1784.614,
"payment_sum_open": 10177.88
"leads_sum": 1,
"ctr": 9.0,
"views": 1,
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"clicks": 9,
"payment_sum_approved": 100.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"ecpm": 1887020.0,
"sales_sum": 2,
"date": "2011-03",
"cr": 0.5556,
"ecpc": 209.668889,
"payment_sum_open": 1787.02
"_meta": {
"count": 15,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 1

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"leads_sum": 21594304,
"payment_sum": 3382089.02,
"views": 7337610,
"payment_sum_declined": 1705783.09,
"actions_sum_total": 22023257,
"payment_sum_approved": 1646173.57,
"currency": "RUB",
"sales_sum": 21694727,
"payment_sum_open": 1735915.45,
"clicks": 7064253


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
date Report date
currency System currencies
leads_sum Number of leads
sales_sum Number of sales
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
views The number of impressions
clicks The number of clicks
ctr CTR
ecpc eCPC
cr Conversion rate
ecpm eCPM


Reports by actions


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • action_id_start***
  • date_start***
  • date_end***
  • closing_date_start***
  • closing_date_end***
  • status_updated_start***
  • status_updated_end***
  • website***
  • campaign***
  • subid***
  • subid1***
  • subid2***
  • subid3***
  • subid4***
  • source***
  • status***
  • keyword***
  • action***
  • action_id***
  • banner***
  • action_type***
  • processed****
  • paid*****
  • total******
  • order_by*******
Statistical data on actions*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, ad space, affiliate program, SubID, source, status, keyword, actions, rates, action ID, and rate type respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in format ‘%d.%m.%Y’ - ‘01.05.2012’. The Values for dates status_updated_start and status_updated_end must be in the format %d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S - 01.05.2012 21:12:01.
  • **** Filter by processing status. Possible values: 0/1 - unprocessed/processed.
  • ***** Filter by status of payment to the publisher. Possible values: 0/1 - unpaid/paid.
  • ****** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result.
  • ******* Sorting order. Possible values:
    • datetime

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"status": "pending",
"comment": null,
"conversion_time": 135,
"keyword": null,
"advcampaign_name": "AdvCamp 1",
"advcampaign_id": 6,
"cart": null,
"subid": null,
"subid1": null,
"subid2": null,
"subid3": null,
"subid4": null,
"click_user_referer": null,
"currency": "USD",
"action_date": "2011-02-22 19:54:34",
"website_name": "site1",
"action": "action name",
"click_date": "2011-02-22 19:52:19",
"payment": 70.0,
"tariff_id": 11,
"banner_id": 131,
"action_id": 241,
"processed": 1,
"paid": 0,
"order_id": "999",
"closing_date": "2012-04-02",
"action_type": "lead",
"promocode": "promo500",
"status_updated": "2011-09-16 23:13:35",
"positions": [
"tariff_id": 1,
"payment": "12.00",
"rate": null,
"datetime": "2011-02-22 20:12:04",
"amount": "32.00",
"percentage": false,
"product_url": "",
"id": 1
"tariff_id": 1,
"payment": "23.00",
"rate": null,
"datetime": "2011-02-22 21:37:14",
"amount": "32.00",
"percentage": false,
"product_url": "",
"id": 2
"status": "pending",
"comment": null,
"conversion_time": 844,
"keyword": null,
"advcampaign_name": "AdvCamp 1",
"advcampaign_id": 6,
"cart": 90,
"subid": null,
"subid1": null,
"subid2": null,
"subid3": null,
"subid4": null,
"click_user_referer": null,
"currency": "USD",
"action_date": "2011-02-24 18:58:14",
"website_name": "site1",
"action": "action name",
"click_date": "2011-02-24 18:44:10",
"payment": 45.0,
"tariff_id": 11,
"banner_id": 91,
"action_id": 242,
"processed": 0,
"paid": 0,
"order_id": "998",
"action_type": "sale",
"promocode": "promo500",
"closing_date": "2012-04-02",
"status_updated": "2011-09-16 23:08:31",
"positions": [
"tariff_id": 1,
"payment": "12.00",
"rate": null,
"datetime": "2011-02-24 21:41:01",
"amount": "32.00",
"percentage": false,
"product_url": "",
"id": 3
"tariff_id": 1,
"payment": "12.00",
"rate": null,
"datetime": "2011-02-24 22:22:47",
"amount": "32.00",
"percentage": false,
"product_url": ""
"id": 4
"_meta": {
"count": 55,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 1

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"currency": "RUB"
"payment_sum": 1462248.20,
"cart": 1640014.39
"currency": "USD"
"payment_sum": 1470220.86,
"cart": 1654822.73
"currency": "EUR"
"payment_sum": 1463807.20,
"cart": 1638854.84


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
action_id Payment ID
advcampaign_name Name of affiliate program
advcampaign_id Affiliate program ID
website_name Name of ad space
status Status (pending/approved/declined/approved_but_stalled - on hold/confirmed/declined/confirmed but delayed). "Confirmed but delayed" means that the advertiser's account currently has insufficient funds for payment.
comment Comment
action_date Date of action
action_type Type of action (lead/sale)
promocode Unique promocode that is used for registering an action
payment Amount of payment
action Name of rate
tariff_id Rate ID
currency System currencies

Conversion time




Order amount

subid(1-4) SubID

Click time


Click referrer

click_country_code Сode of the country where the click was registered
banner_id Banner ID
closing_date Actual date of payment processing
status_updated Date and time of the payment status change
processed Processing state - Yes/No(1/0). "Processed" when the status is "Confirmed" means that the funds have been credited to the publisher's account.
paid Status of payment to the publisher - Yes/No (1/0). The field shows whether funds have been withdrawn for a specific order from Admitad to Earnings.
order_id Order number on the advertiser's end
positions Order items


Description of order items fields

Name Description
id Item identifier
tariff_id Rate ID
datetime Date and time of item registration
amount Amount of payment (price * quantity)
payment Payment to the publisher
rate Rate
product_url Link to the purchased product
product_id Product ID
product_name Product name
product_image Link to product image
percentage Interest-based nature of the rate (True if the rate is interest-based)


Total request fields description

Name Description
currency System currencies
payment_sum Amount of payments
cart Amount of orders


Reports by subID


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • date_start***
  • date_end***
  • website***
  • campaign***
  • subid****
  • order_by*****
  • total******
  • group_subids*******
Statistical data on subID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, ad spaces, and affiliate programs, respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates should be in format ‘%d.%m.%Y’ - ‘01.05.2012’.

  • **** Filter by subid, subid1, subid2, subid3, subid4. Can take values corresponding to URL. For example, subid=a&subid2=b.
  • ***** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • actions
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ecpc
    • leads
    • payment_sum
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales
    • subid (subid1, subid2, subid3, subid4 - for the corresponding URL).

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

  • ****** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result.
  • ******* group_subids is the grouping condition, by default, reports are grouped by subid, but one can specify other values from the subid, subid1, subid2, subid3, subid4 set. For example, group_subids=subid3.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"leads_sum": 37,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"payment_sum_open": 26453.35,
"subid": "",
"sales_sum": 9,
"cr": 0.0,
"ecpc": 1556.079412,
"clicks": 17
"leads_sum": 4,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"payment_sum_open": 4238.46,
"subid": "testsubid",
"sales_sum": 1,
"cr": 0.0,
"ecpc": 0.0,
"clicks": 0
"_meta": {
"count": 14,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"leads_sum": 21594304,
"payment_sum": 3382089.02,
"views": 7337610,
"payment_sum_declined": 1705783.09,
"actions_sum_total": 22023257,
"payment_sum_approved": 1646173.57,
"currency": "RUB",
"sales_sum": 21694727,
"payment_sum_open": 1735915.45,
"cr": 311.76,
"ecpc": 0.48,
"clicks": 7064253


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
subid SubID (if grouped by subid)
subid1 SubID1 (only if grouped by subid1)
subid2 SubID2 (only if grouped by subid2)
subid3 SubID3 (only if grouped by subid3)
subid4 SubID4 (only if grouped by subid4)
currency System currencies
leads_sum Number of leads
sales_sum Number of sales
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
clicks The number of clicks
ecpc eCPC
cr Conversion rate


Reports by sources


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • date_start***
  • date_end***
  • website***
  • campaign***
  • total****
  • order_by*****
Statistical data on sources*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, ad spaces, and affiliate programs, respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates should be in format '%d.%m.%Y' - '01.05.2012'.
  • **** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result.
  • ***** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • actions
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ecpc
    • leads
    • payment_sum
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales
    • source.

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"leads_sum": 1,
"source_name": "Google Adwords",
"sales_sum": 0,
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"clicks": 7,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"source": "g",
"cr": 0.0,
"ecpc": 51.785714,
"payment_sum_open": 362.5
"leads_sum": 0,
"source_name": "Yandex.Direct",
"sales_sum": 0,
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"clicks": 1,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"currency": "RUB",
"source": "y",
"cr": 0.0,
"ecpc": 0.0,
"payment_sum_open": 0.0
"_meta": {
"count": 2,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"leads_sum": 21594304,
"payment_sum": 3382089.02,
"views": 7337610,
"payment_sum_declined": 1705783.09,
"actions_sum_total": 22023257,
"payment_sum_approved": 1646173.57,
"currency": "RUB",
"sales_sum": 21694727,
"payment_sum_open": 1735915.45,
"clicks": 7064253


Description of API server response fields

Name Description
source_name Full name of source
source Source code
currency System currencies
leads_sum Number of leads
sales_sum Number of sales
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
clicks The number of clicks
ecpc eCPC
cr Conversion rate


Reports by keywords


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • date_start***
  • date_end***
  • website***
  • campaign***
  • source***
  • total****
  • order_by*****
Statistical data on keywords*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, ad spaces, affiliate programs, and sources, respectively. For example campaign=3&campaign=4&website=8&date_start=01.01.2011, where the values are identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates should be in format '%d.%m.%Y' - '01.05.2012'.
  • **** The parameter that allows to obtain aggregated data for the entire request. Possible values: 1/0 - aggregated data/not aggregated result.
  • ***** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • actions
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ecpc
    • keyword
    • leads
    • payment_sum
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales.

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.


Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"leads_sum": 1,
"keyword": "test",
"currency": "EUR",
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"payment_sum_open": 8.97,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"sales_sum": 0,
"cr": 0.0,
"ecpc": 1.794,
"clicks": 5
"leads_sum": 0,
"keyword": "ept",
"currency": "EUR",
"payment_sum_declined": 0.0,
"payment_sum_open": 0.0,
"payment_sum_approved": 0.0,
"sales_sum": 0,
"cr": 0.0,
"ecpc": 0.0,
"clicks": 1
"_meta": {
"count": 3,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"leads_sum": 21594304,
"payment_sum": 3382089.02,
"views": 7337610,
"payment_sum_declined": 1705783.09,
"actions_sum_total": 22023257,
"payment_sum_approved": 1646173.57,
"currency": "RUB",
"sales_sum": 21694727,
"payment_sum_open": 1735915.45,
"clicks": 7064253


Description of API server response fields

Name Description


currency System currencies

Number of leads

sales_sum Number of sales
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
clicks The number of clicks
ecpc eCPC

Conversion rate