Partner networks

Creating ad spaces for partner networks

  • Before you start using an API for partner networks, ask the manager to add the subnetwork tag to your publisher account in Admitad.
  • To use the method, you need to obtain access_token. Auth Description
  • In the parameter scope, send the right name "manage_websites".


HTTP method Access rights URL Note
POST manage_websites
  • Request data format application/json
  • Returns the created ad space or validation errors info in the JSON format.

List of request parameters

In body, the request receives the list of json objects with the parameters of the ad space to be created.

Name Type Required Settings restrictions Note, allowed values
name string


Max length – 200  
url string


Max length – 255  
category array of integers


  Categories of affiliate programs
region array of strings


  Ad space regions
native_kind string



Example of a request for creating 3 ad spaces

curl -i -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST
http://api.admitad.loc/subnetworks/v1/create/ -d '[{ "name": "Test subnetwork with native 615125QCQ",
"native_kind":"social_network", "url": "", "region": ["RU","BY"]}, { "name": "Test subnetwork with native 623225QQC", "native_kind":"social_network","url": "",
"region": ["UA", "GB"]}, { "name": "Test subnetwork with native 73135QCQ",
"native_kind":"social_network", "url": "", "category": [1,2,3], "region": ["US",

Example of a response after successful request processing

If the request was successfully processed, the response will be a json object with the created key, where the key is the index of the ad space specified in the request, and the value is the object of the created ad space.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"0": {
"status": "active",
"kind": "subnetwork",
"is_old": false,
"account_id": "",
"verification_code": "8dfcc8fec5",
"creation_date": "2020-12-02T17:15:28",
"id": 349022,
"site_url": "",
"validation_passed": false,
"name": "Test subnetwork with native 61",
"is_lite": false
"1": {
"status": "active",
"kind": "subnetwork",
"is_old": false,
"account_id": "",
"verification_code": "8c6210ac87",
"creation_date": "2020-12-02T17:15:28",
"id": 349023,
"site_url": "",
"validation_passed": false,
"name": "Test subnetwork with native 62",
"is_lite": false
"2": {
"status": "active",
"kind": "subnetwork",
"is_old": false,
"account_id": "",
"verification_code": "a82bdc1022",
"creation_date": "2020-12-02T17:15:28",
"id": 349024,
"site_url": "",
"validation_passed": false,
"name": "Test subnetwork with native 73",
"is_lite": false


  • If an invalid value is sent in the parameter for at least one of the partner network’s ad spaces, the request will not be processed, and none of the ad spaces will be created.

  • If ad spaces are successfully created, a scheduled task on connecting all the partner network’s created ad spaces to all affiliate programs the partner network’s main to which ad space is connected, will be created. It may take some time to connect the created ad spaces (usually, no longer than a couple of minutes).

Example of a response to an invalid request

The response will be a json object.

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

"0": {
"name": [
"У вас уже есть площадка с таким названием"
"1": {
"name": [
"У вас уже есть площадка с таким названием"
"2": {
"name": [
"У вас уже есть площадка с таким названием"

Example of a response to a partially invalid request

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

"0": "ok",
"1": "ok",
"2": {
"name": [
"У вас уже есть площадка с таким названием"

Status of connecting a partner network's ad space to an affiliate program

  • Before you start using an API for partner networks, ask the manager to add the subnetwork tag to your publisher account in Admitad.
  • To use the method, you need to obtain access_token. Auth Description
  • In the parameter scope, send the right name "advcampaigns_for_website".


HTTP method Access rights URL Note
GET advcampaigns_for_website http://api.admitad.loc/subnetworks/v1/advcampaign/${ADVCAMPAIGN_ID}/statuses/
  • ${ADVCAMPAIGN_ID} is the affiliate program ID for getting statuses and links
  • Returns the ad space-program connection status in JSON and a goto link enriched with the tool, if the connection status is active.
  • In the parameter websites_id, send IDs of spaces, separated with a comma.
  • The parameter websites_id may not contain more than 30 ad space IDs.

Example of a request for getting the ad space-program connection status

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}' -X GET${ID_ADVCAMPAIGN}/statuses/\?

Example of a JSON response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

"gotolink": "",
"connection_status": "active",
"website_id": 349001,
"advcampaign_id": 15939
"gotolink": "",
"connection_status": "disabled",
"website_id": 349004,
"advcampaign_id": 15939