
Calculation of the reward for AliExpress products


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
POST aliexpress_commission List of request parameters Returns information about the interest rate on the reward for requested goods
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.

List of request parameters

Name Description Type Requirements
urls* List of links to products for which you want to know the reward list Link type — string
  • * Required parameter

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer access_token' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"urls": [

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format

"commission_rates": [
"product_name": "Molten basketball ball size 7 man training balon official ballon of basket ball accessories basquetebol fiba basquete baloncesto",
"commission_rate": 5.0,
"hot_commission_rate": 9.0,
"is_hot": true,
"url": ""
"product_name": "Molten basketball ball size 7 man training balon official ballon of basket ball accessories basquetebol fiba basquete baloncesto",
"commission_rate": 5.0,
"hot_commission_rate": 8.0,
"is_hot": true,
"url": ""
"product_name": null,
"commission_rate": null,
"hot_commission_rate": null,
"is_hot": false,
"url": ""

Description of response fields

Name Description
product_name Product name (string, can be null)
commission_rate Rate of reward for products, % (string, can be null)
hot_commission_rate Reward rate for the Hot Products item, % (sting, can be null)
is_hot The item belongs in Hot Products (true/false)
url Link to product (string)