Advertiser reports

Reports on date


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • banners***
  • landings***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on dates where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publisher, ad space, group, channel, banner, and landing page, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • date
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"date": "2014-10-01",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 5.11,
"views": 138265,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "130",
"payment_sum_open": "7314.00",
"ecpm": 52.86,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 1.84,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 1.03,
"clicks": 7070
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"date": "2014-10-02",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 4.12,
"views": 214719,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "144",
"payment_sum_open": "7650.00",
"ecpm": 35.63,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 1.63,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0"
"ecpc": 0.86,
"clicks": 8850
"_meta": {
"count": 3,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
date Report date
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions

Reports by actions


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • actions***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • status***
  • banners***
  • order_id***
  • system_id***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on actions where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publisher, ad space, rate, group, channel, status, banner, payment ID, and system ID, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • action_all
    • cart
    • click_time
    • clicks
    • closing_date
    • conversion_time
    • cr
    • ctr
    • datetime
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • full_payment
    • id
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • order_id
    • payment
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • payment_sum_open
    • payment_sum_system_approved
    • payment_sum_system_declined
    • payment_sum_system_open
    • payment_to_system
    • product
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • status
    • views
    • webmaster

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"order_sum": "1.00",
"action_ip": "",
"uid": "1",
"website_id": "site1_of_webmaster1",
"currency": "RUB",
"id": 455109,
"click_time": "2014-10-03T17:23:17",
"action_country": null,
"click_ref": "",
"order_id": "1",
"click_ip": "",
"action_id": 1,
"status": 0,
"full_payment": "5000.00",
"screen": "",
"action_name": "product1",
"conversion_time": 2,
"click_country": null,
"user_language": "",
"webmaster": "webmaster1",
"action_time": "2013-12-10T16:30:52",
"tracking": "1",
"closing_date": "2013-12-19",
"user_agent": "django-test-client",
"action_ref": ""
"order_sum": "1.00",
"action_ip": "",
"uid": "1"
"website_id": "site1_of_webmaster1",
"currency": "RUB",
"id": 455110,
"click_time": "2014-10-03T17:23:17",
"action_country": null,
"click_ref": "",
"order_id": "1",
"click_ip": "",
"action_id": 1,
"status": 0,
"full_payment": "5000.00",
"screen": "",
"action_name": "product1",
"conversion_time": 2,
"click_country": null,
"user_language": "",
"webmaster": "webmaster1",
"action_time": "2013-12-10T16:30:52",
"tracking": "1",
"closing_date": "2013-12-19",
"user_agent": "django-test-client",
"action_ref": ""
"_meta": {
"count": 5,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
id Admitad ID
action_country Country of action
action_id Rate ID
action_ip Action IP address
action_name Rate
action_ref Action referrer
action_time Time of action
click_country Country of click
click_ip Click IP address
click_ref Click referrer
click_time Click time
closing_date Date of application
conversion_time Conversion time
currency Currency
full_payment General expenses
order_id Order ID
order_sum Order amount
screen Screen resolution
status Status
tracking Tracking
uid Visitor UID
user_agent User’s browser
user_language User language
webmaster Publisher
website_id Ad space
comment Comment

Reports on publishers


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • actions***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on publishers where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publishes, ad space, group, channel, and rate, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • username
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"username": "ngvl",
"sales_approved": "0"
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "1072230.00",
"ctr": 1107992.31,
"views": 13,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "1343",
"payment_sum_open": "65260.00",
"ecpm": 87499230.77,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 17.0,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "23146",
"ecpc": 7.9,
"clicks": 144039
"username": "fici",
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "6648.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "11",
"payment_sum_open": "288.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 3.93,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "10651",
"ecpc": 2.45,
"clicks": 271534
"_meta": {
"count": 1703,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
username Publisher
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions

Reports by ad spaces


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • actions***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on ad spaces where с_id is affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publishes, ad space, group, channel, and rate, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • website_name
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "147",
"website_name": "",
"payment_sum_open": "7170.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 14.08,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 6.87,
"clicks": 1044
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "110",
"website_name": "",
"payment_sum_open": "6072.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 0.81,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 0.45,
"clicks": 13532
"_meta": {
"count": 123,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
website_name Ad space
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions

Reports on banners


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • landings***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on banners where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publisher, ad space, group, channel, and landing page respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • banner_name
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 36.65,
"views": 2927,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "155",
"banner_name": "130x600_banner",
"payment_sum_open": "7178.00",
"ecpm": 2528.91,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 23.56,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 6.14,
"clicks": 3143
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "120",
"banner_name": "Default link",
"payment_sum_open": "6568.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 0.88,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 0.48,
"clicks": 13661
"count": 134,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
banner_name Banner
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions

Reports on landing pages


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on landing pages where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publishes, ad space, group, channel, and rate, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 36.65,
"views": 2927,
"landing_id": 22,
"landing_url": "http://yoursite.tld/nsJKFmf?iewe=265&admitad_uid={{admitad_uid}}",
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "155",
"landing_name": "Melena",
"payment_sum_open": "7178.00",
"ecpm": 2528.91,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 23.56,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 6.14,
"clicks": 3143
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"landing_id": 45,
"landing_url": "http://yoursite.tld/P7UVerZh?iewe=231&admitad_uid={{admitad_uid}}",
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "120",
"landing_name": "Default landing",
"payment_sum_open": "6568.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 0.88,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 0.48,
"clicks": 13661
"_meta": {
"count": 134,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
landing_id Landing page ID
landing_name Landing page
landing_url Link
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions

Reports on landing pages and ad spaces


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on landing pages and programs where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publishes, ad space, group, channel, and rate, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 36.65,
"views": 2927,
"website_id": 943,
"website_name": 'Blabla website',
"landing_id": 45,
"landing_name": 'Bla landing',
"landing_url": "http://yoursite.tld/nsJKFmf?iewe=265&admitad_uid={{admitad_uid}}",
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "155",
"landing_name": "Melena",
"payment_sum_open": "7178.00",
"ecpm": 2528.91,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 23.56,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 6.14,
"clicks": 3143
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"website_id": 23,
"website_name": 'Blablabla',
"landing_id": 13,
"landing_name": 'Blablabla landing',
"landing_url": "http://yoursite.tld/P7UVerZh?iewe=231&admitad_uid={{admitad_uid}}",
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "120",
"landing_name": "Default landing",
"payment_sum_open": "6568.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 0.88,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 0.48,
"clicks": 13661
"_meta": {
"count": 134,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
landing_id Landing page ID
landing_name Landing page
landing_url Link
website_id Ad space ID
website_name Ad space
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions

Reports on channels


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • actions***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on channels where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publishes, ad space, group, channel, and rate, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • channel_name
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 10.04,
"views": 11885,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "153",
"payment_sum_open": "7450.00",
"ecpm": 626.84,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 12.82,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 6.24,
"clicks": 1193,
"channel_name": "Program eDarling"
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "4",
"payment_sum_open": "56.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 15.38,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 2.15,
"clicks": 26,
"channel_name": "zavhoz - planbmedia"
"_meta": {
"count": 435,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
channel_name Channel
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions

Reports on groups


HTTP method Access rights URL Parameters Note
GET advertiser_statistics
  • offset**
  • limit**
  • start_date***
  • end_date***
  • webmasters***
  • websites***
  • groups***
  • channels***
  • order_by****
Statistical data on groups where с_id is the affiliate program ID*.
  • * Returns the result in the JSON format.
  • ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
  • *** Filter by date, publishes, ad space, group, channel, and rate, respectively. For example websites=3&websites=4&groups=8&start_date=01.01.2011&end_date=11.01.2011, where values are the identifiers of filtered categories or filtered data. The values for dates must be in the format %d.%m.%Y - 01.05.2012.
  • **** Sorting order. Possible values:
    • clicks
    • cr
    • ctr
    • group_name
    • ecpc
    • ecpm
    • leads_approved
    • leads_declined
    • leads_open
    • new_rate
    • payment_sum_all
    • payment_sum_approved
    • payment_sum_declined
    • payment_sum_open
    • sales_approved
    • sales_declined
    • sales_open
    • views

    Sign '-' before the value means inverse sort order. For example, order_by=-clicks&order_by=cr.

Example of use

Example of a request with utility ``curl``:

curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET

Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:

"results": [
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 10.04,
"views": 11885,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "153",
"payment_sum_open": "7450.00",
"ecpm": 626.84,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 12.82,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 6.24,
"clicks": 1193
"sales_approved": "0",
"sales_declined": "0",
"payment_sum_approved": "0.00",
"ctr": 0.0,
"views": 0,
"currency": "RUB",
"leads_open": "2",
"payment_sum_open": "52.00",
"ecpm": 0.0,
"payment_sum_declined": "0.00",
"cr": 5.38,
"leads_declined": "0",
"sales_open": "0",
"leads_approved": "0",
"ecpc": 2.51,
"clicks": 36
"_meta": {
"count": 123,
"limit": 2,
"offset": 0

Description of API server response fields

Name Description
clicks Clicks
currency Currency
cr Conversion rate
ctr CTR
group_name Group
ecpc eCPC
ecpm eCPM
leads_approved Number of confirmed leads
leads_declined Number of rejected leads
leads_open Number of leads on hold
payment_sum_approved The amount related to the confirmed actions
payment_sum_declined The amount related to the rejected actions
payment_sum_open The amount related to the actions on hold
sales_approved Number of confirmed sales
sales_declined Number of rejected sales
sales_open Number of sales on hold
views The number of impressions