List of affiliate programs
HTTP method | Access rights | URL | Parameters | Note |
GET | advcampaigns |
Returns the list of affiliate programs*. |
GET | advcampaigns |{id}/
Returns the affiliate program, where id is the affiliate program identifier*. |
- * Returns the result in the JSON format.
- ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
- *** Internationalization of categories (ru by default). E.g. :doc:`language=ru </params/language>.
- **** Ad space identifier. For example, website=12342, allows to determine the need for moderation when a program is connected.
- ***** Filter by the availability of a tool for a program. Possible values:
- deeplink
- products
- retag
- lost_orders
- coupons
- basket_tracking
- tracking_in_mobile_site
- tracking_in_mobile_app
- vendor_bonus
- ****** Filter by allowed traffic sources of the program. For example traffic_id=1. To get the IDs of traffic sources, use this method.
Using this method you can export the list of the programs from the catalog and their standard rates. If you want to see exclusive rates of the programs for your ad space, use :doc:`this method <./advcampaigns-website-list>.
Example of use
Example of a request with utility ``curl``:
curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET
Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:
{ "results": [ { "status": "active", "rating": "5.00", "image": "//", "description": "Gmail is a mail service by google", "traffics": [ { "enabled": false, "name": "Type 1", "type": "lead", "id": 1 }, { "enabled": false, "name": "Type 2", "type": "sale", "id": 2 } ], "actions": [ { "payment_size": "50.00", "type": "sale", "name": "Action name", "id": 1 }, { "payment_size": "1.30%", "type": "sale", "name": "Paid order", "id": 892 }, { "payment_size": "11.00", "type": "lead", "name": "Registration", "id": 11 } ], "site_url": "", "regions": [ { "region": "BY" }, { "region": "CA" }, { "region": "DE" }, { "region": "KZ" }, { "region": "RU" }, { "region": "US" } ], "currency": "USD", "geotargeting": true, "coupon_iframe_denied": false, "connected": true, "id": 6, "cr": 9.83, "ecpc": 45.32, "epc": 4532.45, "cr_trend": 3.3323, "ecpc_trend": 2.3441, "epc_trend": 241.8345, "categories": [ { "language": "en", "name": "Shop", "parent": null, "id": 1 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Online Games", "parent": null, "id": 2 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Browser", "parent": { "language": "en", "name": "Online Games", "parent": null, "id": 2 }, "id": 3 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Other", "parent": null, "id": 5 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Finances", "parent": { "language": "en", "name": "Other", "parent": null, "id": 5 }, "id": 6 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Subcategory", "parent": { "language": "en", "name": "Other", "parent": null, "id": 5 }, "id": 17 } ], "name": "Campaign1" "action_type": "sale", "individual_terms": false, "allow_deeplink": true, "action_testing_limit": 500, "mobile_device_type": "smartphone", "mobile_os_type": "android", "mobile_os": "android 9.0", "action_countries": ["BY", "GE", "RU"], "allow_actions_all_countries": false, } ], "_meta": { "count": 4, "limit": 1, "offset": 0 } }
Description of API server response fields
Name | Description |
id | Affiliate program ID |
name | Name of affiliate program |
image | Affiliate program logo |
status | Affiliate program status |
rating | Affiliate program rating |
description | Affiliate program description |
raw_description | Affiliate program description containing HTML tags |
site_url | Affiliate program website |
exclusive | Exclusive affiliate program |
currency | System currencies |
regions | Ad space regions |
categories | Categories of affiliate programs |
actions | The list of rates for prepaid actions |
cr | Indicator of the average conversion rate |
cr_trend | Changes in the indicator of the average conversion rate |
ecpc | Average eCPC indicator |
ecpc_trend | Changes in the indicator of the average eCPC |
epc | EPC indicator |
epc_trend | change of the EPC indicator |
rate_of_approve | Approval rate |
more_rules | Additional rules |
geotargeting | Splitting payment depending on client’s country |
coupon_iframe_denied | Prohibition of coupon traffic via iframe |
activation_date | Date of program start |
modified_date | Date of last change to the program |
connected | The program has joined one or more publisher’s ad spaces |
avg_hold_time | Actual average hold time |
avg_money_transfer_time | Average payment time |
denynewwms | The recruitment of new publishers has been suspended |
goto_cookie_lifetime | Postclick cookie life time |
retag | ReTag |
show_products_links |
Product feeds links are allowed (true, false) |
traffics | Traffic sources |
landing_code | Related landing page code |
landing_title | Related landing page header |
action_type | Type of action (lead/sale) |
individual_terms | Individual terms |
allow_deeplink | Ability to use "Deeplink" |
allow_actions_all_counties | This program is available in all countries (true/false) |
action_countries | Countries from which actions are paid for (["GE", "RU", ...]/null) |
action_testing_limit |
After the specified number of actions is generated, the publisher must halt traffic to receive feedback from the advertiser. For mobile programs and online games only (int/null) |
mobile_os_type |
Operating system supported by the app. For mobile programs only ("android"/"ios"/null) |
mobile_os |
The application installation is supported starting from the current version. For mobile programs only ("android 6.0"/"android all"/"ios 11.0"/"ios all"/null) |
mobile_device_type |
Device supported by the app. For mobile programs only ("smartphone"/"tablet"/"all"/null) |
List of programs for the ad space
HTTP method | Access rights | URL | Parameters | Note |
GET | advcampaigns_for_website |{w_id}/
Returns the list of affiliate programs of the ad space, where w_id is the ad space ID*. |
GET | advcampaigns_for_website |{c_id}/website/{w_id}/
Returns the affiliate program, where w_id is the ad space identifier and с_id is the affiliate program identifier*. |
- * Returns the result in the JSON format.
- ** Sets skipping and the number of records returned. For example limit=5&offset=2.
- *** Filter by the cooperation status with an ad space. Possible values:
- active
- pending
- declined
- ***** Filter by tool availability for the program. Possible values:
- deeplink
- products
- retag
- lost_orders
- coupons
- basket_tracking
- tracking_in_mobile_site
- tracking_in_mobile_app
- vendor_bonus
Example of use
Example of a request with utility ``curl``:
curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X GET
Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:
{ "results": [ { "status": "active", "connection_status": "active", "rating": "5.00", "image": "//", "show_products_links": false, "traffics": [ { "enabled": false, "name": "Type 1", "id": 1 }, { "enabled": false, "name": "Type 2", "id": 2 } ], "description": "Gmail is a mail service by google", "avg_hold_time": null, "actions": [ { "payment_size": "5USD", "type": "lead", "name": "Example action", "id": 42 } ], "site_url": "", "regions": [ { "region": "01" }, { "region": "BY" }, { "region": "CA" }, { "region": "DE" }, { "region": "KZ" }, { "region": "RU" }, { "region": "US" } ], "actions_detail": [ { "tariffs": [ { "action_id": 42, "rates": [ { "price_s": "0.00", "tariff_id": 42, "country": null, "date_s": "2014-11-06", "is_percentage": false, "id": 78, "size": "5.00" } ], "id": 42, "name": "Tariff name" } ], "type": "lead", "name": "Example action", "id": 42 } ], "currency": "USD", "goto_cookie_lifetime": 45, "geotargeting": true, "coupon_iframe_denied": false, "allow_deeplink": true, "cr": 84.38, "cr_trend": 3.41, "activation_date": "2010-03-31 19:05:39", "modified_date": "2010-04-12 18:05:32" "moderation": false, "gotolink": "", "ecpc": 23.74, "epc": 2374.34, "ecpc_trend": 2.41, "epc_trend": 241.45, "id": 6, "show_products_links": true, "products_csv_link": "", "products_xml_link": "", "feeds_info": [ {> "name": "Campaign1", "admitad_last_update": "2015-10-27 15:35:58", "advertiser_last_update": "2015-10-27 08:38:00", "csv_link": "", "xml_link": "" } ], "categories": [ { "language": "en", "name": "Shop", "parent": null, "id": 1 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Online Games", "parent": null, "id": 2 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Browser", "parent": { "language": "en", "name": "Online Games", "parent": null, "id": 2 }, "id": 3 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Other", "parent": null, "id": 5 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Finance", "parent": { "language": "en", "name": "Other", "parent": null, "id": 5 }, "id": 6 }, { "language": "en", "name": "Subcategory", "parent": { "language": "en", "name": "Other", "parent": null, "id": 5 }, "id": 17 } ], "name": "Campaign1", "advertiser_legal_info": "{"Example" LLC}, INN: {1112223334}", "action_testing_limit": 500 "mobile_device_type": "smartphone", "mobile_os_type": "android", "mobile_os": "android 9.0", "action_countries": ["BY", "GE", "RU"], "allow_actions_all_countries": false, "actions_limit": 10000, "actions_limit_24": 1000 } ], "_meta": { "count": 4, "limit": 1, "offset": 0 } }
Description of API server response fields
Name | Description |
id | Affiliate program ID |
name | Name of affiliate program |
image | Affiliate program logo |
status | Affiliate program status |
connection_status | Status of cooperation with the ad space ('active', 'pending', 'declined') |
rating | Affiliate program rating |
description | Affiliate program description |
raw_description | Affiliate program description containing html tags |
site_url | Affiliate program website |
currency | System currencies |
regions | Ad space regions |
categories | Categories of affiliate programs |
actions | The list of rates for prepaid actions |
actions_detail | Detailed information about current paid actions (actions - rates - rewards) |
сr | Indicator of the average conversion rate |
cr_trend | Changes in the indicator of the average conversion rate |
ecpc | Average eCPC indicator |
ecpc_trend | Changes in the indicator of the average eCPC |
epc | EPC indicator |
epc_trend | Change of the EPC indicator |
geotargeting | Splitting payment depending on client's country |
coupon_iframe_denied | Prohibition of coupon traffic via iframe |
activation_date | Date of program start |
modified_date | Date of last change to the program |
avg_hold_time | Actual average hold time |
avg_money_transfer_time | Average payment time |
gotolink | A default affiliate link for a selected ad space |
goto_cookie_lifetime | Postclick cookie life time |
traffics | Allowed traffic types |
moderation | Need for moderation |
show_products_links | Product feeds links are allowed (true, false) |
products_xml_link | Link to downloading product feeds in xml format (if show_products_links = true) |
products_csv_link | Link to downloading product feeds in csv format (if show_products_links = true) |
feeds_info | The list of product feeds of the affiliate program |
allow_deeplink | Ability to use "Deeplink" |
action_countries | Countries from which actions are paid for (["GE", "RU", ...]/null) |
allow_actions_all_counties | This program is available in all countries (true/false) |
action_testing_limit |
After the specified number of actions is generated, the publisher must halt traffic to receive feedback from the advertiser. For mobile programs and online games only (int/null) |
mobile_os_type |
Operating system supported by the app. For mobile programs only ("android"/"ios"/null) |
mobile_os |
The application installation is supported starting from the current version. For mobile programs only ("android 6.0"/"android all"/"ios 11.0"/"ios all"/null) |
mobile_device_type |
Device supported by the app. For mobile programs only ("smartphone"/"tablet"/"all"/null) |
actions_limit |
After registering the specified number of actions within the program activity time, the affiliate link becomes inactive. For mobile programs and online games only (int/null) |
actions_limit_24 |
After registering the specified number of actions within 24 hours (UTC+3), the affiliate link becomes inactive. For mobile programs and online games only (int/null) |
advertiser_legal_info |
Initial advertiser’s name of the legal entity and its INN (individual taxation number) The field in the response may be empty if the advertisers doesn’t support advertisement marking at the moment. |
Description of paid actions fields
Name | Description |
id | Action ID |
name | Name of action |
type | Type of action (lead/sale) |
rates | List of rates for a paid action |
Description of fields for paid action rates
Name | Description |
id | Rate ID |
name | Name of rate |
action_id | Action ID |
rates | List of rates for a paid action |
Description of fields for rate rewards
Name | Description |
id | Rate reward ID |
size | Rate reward value (percentage or amount in the currency of the program) |
tariff_id | Rate ID |
country | The country the rate is valid for, null - all countries |
price_s | The bottom limit of payment that the rate is valid for |
date_s | The date the rate is valid from |
is_percentage | Rate type ('True' if interest rate) |
Description of the affiliate program product feed fields
Name | Description |
name | Name of feed |
xml_link | Link to downloading product feeds in xml format |
csv_link | Link to downloading product feeds in csv format |
admitad_last_update | Date of last update |
advertiser_last_update | Date of last update by the advertiser |
Connecting the ad space to the program
HTTP method | Access rights | URL | Note |
POST | manage_advcampaigns |{c_id}/attach/{w_id}/ |
- * Returns the result in the JSON format.
Example of use
Example of a request with utility ``curl``:
curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X POST
Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:
{ "message": "Request for adding the campaign CampaignName was successfully created.", "success": "OK" }
Disconnecting the ad space from the program
HTTP method | Access rights | URL | Note |
POST | manage_advcampaigns |{c_id}/detach/{w_id}/
Returns the result of operation in the JSON format, where w_id is the ad space identifier and с_id is the affiliate program identifier. |
- * Returns the result in the JSON format.
Example of use
Example of a request with utility ``curl``:
curl -L -H 'Authorization: Bearer access_token' -X POST
Example of the response from the API server in the JSON format:
{ "message": "Program CampaignName has been removed from your list. You can later add it again.", "success": "Deleted" }